Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Homeschooling in Harford County, MD

I began this website four years ago as a resource for folks beginning to homeschool in Harford County, Maryland.  Homeschool groups change over time and co-ops morph, but there are almost sixteen hundred homeschoolers in this county and that means that there are always homeschooling folks around here to connect to.  Surprisingly, homeschoolers only make up 2.5% of the student population in Maryland.  Still, once you get connected, it will feel as if there are many more!  

If you have decided to homeschool here, you likely have a lot of questions.  If you have a good friend who's homeschooling or your church has an umbrella, I'm sure they've filled you in!  If you haven't, it can seem confusing.  So, I want to start at the beginning.

Every state has different regulations about homeschooling.  In Maryland, you have two basic choices.  You need to 1) report directly to the school district or 2) join a homeschooling umbrella that you report to (and which then is accountable to the state for supervising your homeschooling).

In Harford County, there are Christian umbrellas that are open to all Christians Homeschoolers in the area and there are also umbrellas which are church specific, which means you can join them if you are a member of that church. 

There are also co-ops for all different ages of homeschoolers in the area.  

Please note that the information on this website is for Christian homeschoolers, if you are looking for umbrellas or groups that do not have any religious requirements, see Many Paths of Natural Learning http://mpnl.org/index.htm or Excelsior Academy http://www.theexcelsioracademy.com/index.html

I hope this information will be helpful!