Friday, October 14, 2016

Salem Homeschool Conference

Monday - October 17 – 6:30 pm
Salem Christian School is hosting a Homeschool Conference on October 17, 2016, at 6:30pm, at Salem United Methodist Church in Upper Falls, MD.  We will cover homeschooling for both elementary school and middle/high school families. This is intended for all homeschoolers ~ both new and experienced!
Getting Started - for new or 'thinking-about-it' homeschool families:
·        Is socialization an issue? 
·        What forms do I need to fill out?
·        Should I enroll in an umbrella program or let the county/city review me?
·        What subjects do I need to teach?
·        What kind of documentation do I need to keep?
·        How do I keep a journal?
·        Do I have to have a classroom? 
·        How long should my school day last? 
·        What is a co-op, and would joining (or starting) one be good for my family?
·        Home School Legal Defense Association  (HSLDA)
Elementary Curriculum - Or Not 
·        Curriculum resources
·        Unit Studies & Field Trips
·        What is 'unschooling' and how does that work? 
·        Testing resources.
·        Tips on Teaching the Struggling Learner
Q & A for Elementary Students / Refreshments, Bathroom Break - 10 minutes
Parents who wish to continue discussing elementary school subjects are invited to remain in Fellowship Hall instead of moving on.
Reaching the Middle School / High School Years - Families need to be thinking about these years a bit differently than when their students were in elementary school, so we'll be addressing the following: 
·        What makes up a high school credit?
·        How many credits are needed to graduate, and in which subjects? 
·        Can I earn credit before 9th grade? 
·        Do I have to use a standard curriculum, or can I make my own courses? 
·        Curriculum resources
·        ‘Outside-the-box' credit options
·        How about Work Study credits?
·        How does the P.E./Health credit work?
·        Co-op class credits?
·        What makes up an Elective credit?
·        Do I have to have my student finish high school in 4 years?
·        What if I have a special-needs student
Middle School / High-School Athletics
·        Varsity Sports
·        NCAA Scholarship money
Headed for College:
·        Dual enrolled students - earning college credit while still in high school
·        SAT's / ACT
·        Getting into college.
·        Funding for college.
·        CLEP testing - the least expensive way to get college credits!
·        Transcripts!
·        Diplomas!
Q & A time:  Our panel of speakers will be available to answer any questions or concerns you have about homeschooling!  We would love to help you make this journey - or should I say ADVENTURE? -  easier for you and your family.
Some of our speakers:
·        Carol Kramer
·        Ana Rivera
·        Phyllis Harden
·        Tim Hines
·        Suzanne Sniffen
·        Gina Rodriguez
This event is open to all homeschooling parents.

Several people have expressed interest in just coming for the high school portion of the evening.  The best guesstimate is that this portion will begin around 8 pm.  
Enter through the far right side door of the church and go upstairs to the fellowship hall.  Please wait until the break to come into the church and join in. 

  In order to have enough handouts and refreshments, we would like to get an idea of how many people will be attending. If you can, please reply to and let us know how many people to expect. We encourage you to invite other homeschooling parents to this informative event.